Announcing New Intranet Timeout Update to Increase Security and Overview of Extranet Features

Every month Axero sends the latest Communifire updates, tips and tricks in a newsletter called The Monthly Review. Here’s what was new in June 2020. Sign up to receive The Monthly Review.

Using Communifire is Easier than Ever

Our newest activity timeout setting increases your intranet’s security. Prevent unauthorized access by setting how long users can be inactive until they are automatically logged out. All it takes is a couple of clicks to set up—here’s how it works:

  1. Go to your control panel and click “System Property”.
  2. Scroll to the “UserInactivityTimeOutInMinutes” property and click the edit icon.
  3. Add the time value you want users to be logged out and click “Save”.

Now when employees or users become inactive after a specified amount of time, they will be signed out of your intranet.

There’s more enhancements added to Communifire— here’s your list of everything new.

Communifire How-to’s and Tips

The difference between intranet and extranet software
Your intranet does more than support employees—it can also support customers and partners outside of your company with extranet tools. Here’s your guide to the fundamentals of intranet and extranet features and the benefits you get from both.

How to make your intranet public
In this video tour, learn how to make spaces in Communifire public so you can share information, collaborate, and support people outside of your intranet, such as customers and partners.

Personalize everyone’s intranet experience with Activity Streams
The Activity Stream is a real-time feed of what you’re working on and who you’re working with. That’s why many companies are swapping static homepages for personal activity feeds, so employees are welcomed with relevant information as soon as they log in. Click to learn more.

Read of the Month

Shoot the Commute: How to Reduce Stress by Supporting Work from Home

Did you know the second most common cause of stress for American employees is their commute? This beats work-life balance, annoying coworkers, even poor working conditions. In this blog post, we examine why commuting takes a mental toll and what you can do to have happier employees.

Top Community Support Questions

How do I remove or customize a default space menu navigation tab?
Our client success reps give you multiple options: 1) you can hide specific tabs with the CSS override, or 2) you can redirect people to a different page. Our upcoming feature release makes customizing navigation tabs easy—stay tuned for details.

How do I customize active link colors in wikis to match my company’s branding?
We have the CSS override for you to change the active link color—click to get the code.

Can I set up different approval workflows for individual forums?
You sure can. Every forum in a space can have its own workflow so you can approve and moderate discussion posts before they are live to the rest of your employees.

How can I display a user profile on a page?
The People widget lets you display profiles on different pages—here’s how to do it.

Share your Communifire experience

We want to know how Communifire is working for you—and so do other companies. Leave a review on our Capterra page to share your experience. Your input matters and we use your feedback to improve Communifire for everyone.

What would you like to see in the next newsletter?

Have tips, suggestions or feedback? Contact us in our Customer Support forums.

Want to receive the latest Communifire news directly in your inbox once a month?

Click here to sign up to receive The Monthly Review.

8 surprising employee problems you can avoid with a modern intranet

Written by

Alex is the Marketing Manager at Axero Solutions, dedicated to creating valuable content to help companies work smarter and together. Alex previously worked in communications and journalism throughout the tri-state area.


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