AI Knowledge Management with Copilot

Imagine the time you could save if you could interact with an AI search tool that has access to your organization’s intranet?

A screenshot of a digital help interface labeled 'axero copilot' featuring a chatbox. the chat includes a user asking for the latest employee handbook and receiving a link to a pdf document.

A screenshot of a chat in the axero copilot app showing a conversation where a user asks for alexis fox's email, and the assistant responds with the email address and offers further help.

Transform Knowledge Management with Axero Copilot

Gone are the days of endlessly rummaging through files for answers. Meet Axero Copilot, our award-winning innovation, ready to change the game. Think of Copilot as your AI-enhanced colleague, transforming the way you interact with enterprise knowledge.

It’s all about making your life easier and your work more efficient in a way that feels natural and user-friendly. With Copilot, your intranet becomes more than just a repository—it becomes a conversation.

Your New and Improved Knowledge Management Platform

Copilot isn’t just another tool; it’s a game-changer for your knowledge management strategy. Designed to integrate seamlessly into your workflow, Copilot brings all the benefits of AI knowledge management to life:

  • Personalized user experiences
  • Enhanced learning and development
  • Improved productivity
  • Secure content utilization

Imagine having an assistant who understands and anticipates your organizational needs, providing the right information at the right time. Copilot does exactly that. It’s about making your knowledge management processes smarter, not harder.

We understand that seeing is believing. That’s why we invite you to experience Copilot firsthand. No hard sell, just an opportunity to see how Copilot can elevate your knowledge management. Book a demo with us and see how AI can empower your organization’s knowledge journey.

Let’s navigate the future of knowledge management together – efficiently, securely, and intelligently.

Screenshot of a chat interface with a user asking for the location of the onboarding space for it employees, and receiving a detailed response about the available designs and necessary information in the it onboarding area.

A stylized purple robot with a friendly appearance, featuring round eyes and a single antenna with a yellow tip, set against a simple purple background.

See how Copilot works

Learn how Copilot works from this short video

What is AI Knowledge Management?

AI Knowledge Management is the process of using artificial intelligence to enhance the handling and utility of knowledge in organizations. It’s about leveraging AI to gather, organize, and analyze large volumes of data more efficiently, turning them into accessible and actionable knowledge.

This technology automates key processes like content updates and searching, delivers accurate and personalized recommendations, and aids in informed decision-making.

The Result A significant boost in productivity, a reduction in manual data management, and an improved quality of knowledge distribution – making information work smarter, not harder.

AI Knowledge Management Systems vs Traditional Knowledge Management

AI knowledge management systems differ from traditional knowledge management platforms primarily in their ability to learn, adapt, and automate.

A traditional knowledge base is like a library. It stores and manages information, but it’s mostly static. Users need to know what they are looking for, and the process of finding and utilizing information can be time-consuming and manual.

On the other hand, an AI knowledge management system acts more like a virtual assistant. They don’t just store information but understand and anticipate the needs of the user.

Knowledge management software backed by artificial intelligence uses algorithms to analyze patterns, offering relevant information and suggestions even before you ask for them. This leads to a more dynamic, interactive, and efficient experience

Where traditional knowledge management systems might struggle with the sheer volume and complexity of a company’s data, artificial intelligence thrives. Using advanced natural language processing, knowledge management powered by artificial intelligence can continuously learn from interactions, improving accuracy and usefulness over time.

This results in a more streamlined knowledge flow, better decision-making support, and a generally more responsive and adaptive knowledge management platform.

A professional woman in a white blazer working intently on a laptop at a white table, with colorful abstract graphic elements of a banner, brush strokes, and charts around her.

How does Copilot help?

It is the colleague who knows everything there is to know about your organization and can point you to the exact spot in the documentation you need to answer your question, enhancing internal communications and knowledge distribution for everyone. However, it is exceptionally impactful in sectors where organizations heavily depend on policies, processes, and informational materials. Copilot can ingest,comprehend, and stay updated on such content, surpassing human capabilities.

We have over 500+ internal policies and procedures, and they are always changing. There’s no way for even our highest-performing employees to know them all, and we often hear feedback about how difficult it is to find the relevant information. This greatly improves that experience for our frontline employees.

Interested in learning more about how Axero Copilot can empower your people with AI?

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The benefits of an AI Knowledge Management System

01 Efficient Information Search

AI-powered knowledge management learns and evolves with each interaction, continually refining its ability to predict and present pertinent information. With the help of artificial intelligence, you can quickly analyze vast databases to streamline the knowledge management process, especially in data-rich environments.

A simplistic digital illustration featuring a search bar interface with a magnifying glass icon on the left, and two placeholder text fields against a light background.

02 Enhanced Learning and Development

AI-powered knowledge management learns and evolves with each interaction, continually refining its ability to predict and present pertinent information. With the help of artificial intelligence, you can quickly analyze vast databases to streamline the knowledge management process, especially in data-rich environments.

Illustration of a digital dashboard displaying a purple and pink pie chart with bullet points, and a smaller window showing a green wave graph.

03 Improved Productivity and Performance

AI-powered knowledge management learns and evolves with each interaction, continually refining its ability to predict and present pertinent information. With the help of artificial intelligence, you can quickly analyze vast databases to streamline the knowledge management process, especially in data-rich environments.

Illustration of a notepad with several checklist items marked with check marks, and a pencil nearby. some list items are unchecked.

04 Personalised User Experience

AI-powered knowledge management learns and evolves with each interaction, continually refining its ability to predict and present pertinent information. With the help of artificial intelligence, you can quickly analyze vast databases to streamline the knowledge management process, especially in data-rich environments.

Illustration of a purple chatbot on a computer screen, depicted with a speech bubble containing text lines, signaling an active online conversation.

05 Secure Utilization of Existing Content

AI-powered knowledge management learns and evolves with each interaction, continually refining its ability to predict and present pertinent information. With the help of artificial intelligence, you can quickly analyze vast databases to streamline the knowledge management process, especially in data-rich environments.

Illustration of a login interface on a digital device featuring an avatar icon, input fields for username and password, and a padlock symbol indicating security.

AI Knowledge Management FAQs

Axero Copilot delivers the power of ChatGPT to your team in a private environment, blending the technology of OpenAI and the content of your intranet.

  1. Integrated with your intranet to provide a more tailored and conversational search experience for your end user.
  2. Personalized and permissioned, ensuring sensitive company information is kept secure.
  3. Accesses text content of files to provide more detailed and accurate responses to user queries.
  4. Conversational UI enables users to engage as they would conversationally, including messaging back and forth to hone in on the right information.
  5. Dynamically adapts to your ever-changing policies, guidelines, and information in real-time. Employees can trust Copilot to provide the most current and compliant information.
  6. Provides employees with step-by-step instructions and links to relevant documentation providing more detailed and accurate instructions in less time.

AI is used in knowledge management to streamline information retrieval, enhance decision-making, and personalize user experiences. It automates data updates and integrates diverse information sources with your knowledge base, making up-to-date information easily accessible.

AI is not likely to replace knowledge workers, but rather augment their capabilities. It streamlines data processing and provides insights, allowing knowledge management professionals to focus on more complex, creative tasks. It acts as a supportive tool, enhancing productivity and decision-making, rather than replacing human expertise.

Knowledge-based AI models are systems that use structured information, like rules, concepts, and relationships, to make decisions and solve problems. They rely on a predefined knowledge base to understand and interpret data, enabling them to reason, learn, and provide insights. These models are particularly effective in domains where expert knowledge is key, enhancing decision-making with depth and precision.