Content Management
With these tools, you can manage and drill down into the different content types, like blogs, wikis, and ideas to oversee each and every page or post. As an admin, you can find them, filter them, edit them, or delete them.
System Management
A robust set of tools to manage things like settings, look and feel, domain configurations, localization, and much more. All conveniently located in the admin section.
Application Settings
The Application Settings gives you the option of enabling, disabling, or only having certain features enabled. They’re simple settings to turn on or off features.
Localization in Any Language
Axero uses custom resource providers to manage static content within the platform. There are no RESX or XML resource files used. All resources are managed through the database. You can change these, add your own, and even use them to add completely different languages.
Media Server Management
Axero supports flexible and scalable file storage settings to store files like photos, videos, and documents. A media server is a registered storage location where your media files are stored. You can add multiple server locations … and if you fill up a server you can simply add another one.
Managed Tags and Metadata
All the content in Axero can be tagged with keywords. Axero suggests popular tags– and you can create your own managed tags. You can then use these managed tags as filter groups in search.
Email System
Easily add your own outgoing email servers for sending welcome messages, notifications, password requests, and so on. Axero can also receive email and create content items like cases, blogs, and forum posts.
Email Template Management
There are lots of actions that happen in Axero that trigger emails to be sent out. The emails all have default content. They use mnemonics for personalization. You can add, edit, and manage the templates that are frequently required within the system.
Bulk Email Sending
Easily send out rich HTML or text emails to all of your members. You can also choose to send mass emails to specific roles or a set of individual users.
Required Reading
Allows an author to flag content as mandatory reading for others. It also allows tracking of users that have indicated that they have read the content.
Branding and Logo
There’s a simple web form to upload your logo, favicon, and change the header color to match your look and feel. No web coding required for branding.
CSS Overrides
Axero ships with a core CSS file. You can further customize this CSS by adding your own CSS overrides directly into the admin interface.
Profanity Filters
Profanity filters work by identifying words that you deem inappropriate and then substituting them for the censored word or symbols you want to use.
Dynamic Properties
These allow you to inject any custom HTML, Javascript, or text into the Axero UI PageBuilder. This keeps all of your custom HTML, scripts, or textual elements organized in the database.
A workflow consists of a series of moderation steps or levels that data must pass before it gets published. Each step or level is a member “Role”. The number of steps for any workflow is selected by the admin.
URL Redirects and Shortcuts
Switching to Axero from an existing platform? Keep your internal URLs active. Axero lets you take them with you by mapping your old URLs to the new ones using dynamic redirects. You can also use these to create tiny URLs.