Best employee directory software.
Company directory and user profiles let you match a name to a face—and so much more. Axero features a dynamic employee directory software platform for managing your company directory. Help your employees discover a friendly face, a kindred spirit, a new contact, or a future collaborator.
Your organization is unique, just like every person in it. That’s why you need a customizable directory tool that helps you showcase your company culture and the personalities within it. With Axero, you set up the information you want each user profile to display, and your community members do the rest.
Modern employee directory benefits.
Axero’s next-generation company directory does more than just let you look up a name or number. User profiles help you get to know your community members better, both as professionals and as people.
- Voice of the employee
- Unite employees with each other
- Improve employee communications
- Upload employee photos
- Integrate with Office 365
- Explore all content an individual has created
- Find employees with the right skills to get the job done