Secure Intranet software for credit unions, banks, and financial services

If you’re looking for a secure intranet software for your bank, credit union, or financial institution, then you’ve come to the right place! Axero is an integrated suite of tools that you can use to connect your people, organize your work, and get things done—all in one place.

Trusted by the world’s top financial services providers:

Publish company news and announcements—and know that everyone has seen the update.

From the smallest team announcement to the biggest financial news impacting your organization, Axero gives you a variety of publishing tools to get the word out to employees. Commenting and “like” buttons make it easy for your people to share their opinions. Flag your content as “required” to track reader activity and know that your team got the message.
Publish new company news and announcments
Productivity tools for everyone.

Productivity tools for everyone.

Tell your team they can throw away their paper planners. Axero’s built-in task management and project management tools make it easy to plan and track progress—from anywhere, on any device. Find out more about our intranet software. Assign tasks to others, schedule project phases, and keep track of everyone’s headway without having to ask for updates. Everyone can manage their time right inside the intranet—no other productivity apps needed. Your digital workplace is centralized with Axero.

Archive or delete data on your terms.

In the financial and banking space, how you handle your data is critical. With Axero intranet software, administrators can determine exactly what data gets archived (and how much, where and when) and what gets deleted permanently. Track and review activity by user and by space. Version history keeps copies of previous versions of content, so you can compare versions at a glance—and rest assured no data is lost until you choose to delete it. Compare the different features of intranet software, ensuring you choose the right solution for your financial business’s needs.
Archive or delete data on your terms
Total data control for 100% compliance

Total data control for 100% compliance.

Section 508, ADA, WCAG 2.0, GDPR—the list of compliance requirements grows longer every year. With Axero, your financial institution is prepared for anything. Intranet administrators have full access to all the information users provide in their profiles, and can instantly edit and delete that information to meet compliance requirements.
A stylized purple robot with a friendly appearance, featuring round eyes and a single antenna with a yellow tip, set against a simple purple background.

See how Axero works

Watch a mini demo of how our intranet works.

Why top financial services and institutions choose Axero?

Get more done.
Streamline information sharing and access via Axeri’s social collaborative platform. Keep your financial managers up to date via a secure, centralized knowledge base.
Mobile access 24/7.
Access the information you need any time of the day from anywhere. Act decisively and communicate more effectively and in a timely manner.
Boost productivity.
Remove information silos. Connect your workforce, near and far, so they can boost productivity. Avoid the delays from information sharing via email. Speed up productivity by sharing targeted information to specific teams, boards, and audiences. Access and update information in real-time.
Relevant info when you need it.
Finding the information you need quickly requires powerful search functionality. Axero offers that and more, helping you pool relevant insight on any given topic, including a detailed comparison of intranet software features across top industry options, helping you make informed decisions for your organization.
Connect and collaborate.
Work together with your financial partners, accountants, administration and managers in online workspaces. Add more members when you need. Get work done.
Organize information.
Keep your information organized and accessible by projects, topics, and online workspaces. Make it easy for your workforce to learn and get up to speed on projects.
Ignite discussion and engage your team.
Share that employee insight from the water cooler online so everyone can learn and grow. Spark new ideas and get the best out of your financial teams.
Build customer service loyalty.
Create an online environment where your financial advisors, partners, administration, and management are actively engaged and eager to help customers.

Client success stories.

Frequently Asked Questions About Intranet For Banks

Absolutely. All Axero plans come with awesome support, free upgrades, and access to our customer community. We also offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for customers who wish to have advanced support. We work hard to make you happy. At the risk of tooting our own horn: our customers tell us our support separates us from every other intranet vendor they considered. Everyone at Axero is part of our customer support team and considers pleasing customers as the most integral part of their job description. Even if a resolution requires a response from senior management, we’ll answer quickly, honestly, and creatively to get the issue solved. Our success is tied directly to your success, so it’s our job to meet your expectations.

Yes! Set your intranet in motion with a Launch Package, where we work with you to develop an intranet strategy for implementing Axero and getting your project off the ground. We will walk you through the platform to teach you technical guidance, how to get around the software, how to think strategically about solving your challenges, and how to use the features to accomplish your goals.

We’ll host and run your intranet portal on our servers for you, removing the hassle of managing the hardware, updates, and security. Each Axero customer gets their own single-tenant installation of the software and database in our cloud. We do this for your security. Alternatively, you can deploy Axero intranet on your own server infrastructure for more power and control over your intranet platform. On premise installation gives you the ultimate in flexibility options, through better collaboration, deeper customization, and stronger security.

Yes, Axero is intelligently designed to make it easy for individual departments, locations, or business units to manage their own content. Set up “Spaces” for each department where they can collaborate, share files, and keep track of their schedules. Spaces let you organize in a way that is comfortable and familiar to how you already work. There’s virtually no learning curve and your people can step-right-in to get the job done.

Designed for native integration with the Android and iOS operating systems, the Axero apps provide smartphone and tablet users a streamlined interface for accessing your company’s intranet. Customers with an active license can download these apps free of charge from the iTunes App Store or from Google Play.

Your security is our priority. We understand that security is an extremely important aspect of your business. It’s very important to ours, too. Each customer gets their own independent database and instance of the Axero software — each customer’s data is completely separate from one another. We use state of the art application security, SSL/TLS, encryption, daily and incremental backups, and hardened operating systems.
  • SSAE 16 (SOC 1, SOC Type II) compliant facilities
  • ISO 27001 compliant
  • AES-256 and AES-256 FIPS 140-2 Level 3 encryption
  • SSL/TLS secure connections
  • Vulnerability scans
  • Intrusion detection monitoring
  • Penetration tests
  • Disaster recovery plans
  • Incremental and full data backups

Yes. Integrate your own single sign on across your business applications to make life easier for your employees. About 85% of our customers do it. And you can too.
  • Active Directory, ADFS, Azure
  • SAML
  • 3rd parties: Onelogin, Okta, Etc.
  • Social logins: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, X.

Yes. Enable two-factor authentication on your account to add an extra layer of security. With two-factor authorization, intranet admins can rest assured that only your people can access your intranet.
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • Google Authenticator
  • Duo Mobile