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Like a kid in a candy store. Browse the goodies. See everything you’re going to get when you choose Axero intranet. Centralized and secure cloud platform for connecting and engaging your workplace.

Democratize all comms.

Communication Tools
Popular CT Annoucements

News & Announcements

Say goodbye to buried content. Everyone is in-the-know with one hub that centralizes company communications. Share news, announcements, and updates to teams, departments, or your entire organization. Get your message out and keep employees aligned.

New CT Publishing

Publishing Tools

More control in the hands of content creators. Create, manage, and publish many different content types without the need for IT.

Engage your employees and find out what’s really on their minds with flexible question options and real-time results.

  • Take a pulse
  • Capture employee ideas and feedback
  • Anonymous response option

What’s happening now? Check your Activity Stream to see what the people and groups you’re following are working on.

  • Familiar Facebook & Instagram feel
  • See what’s happening
  • Comment and @mention

Kick-start collaboration with vibrant online communities. Crowdsource answers to questions.

  • ‘Mark-as-answer’
  • Start any topic
  • Part of your living library

You can comment on just about everything, from blog posts and wikis to status updates, videos, and even other comments. Add comments to your search so you can reference conversations later.

  • Spark conversations on anything
  • Start comment threads
  • Search comments

“Required Reading” allows you to flag your content as mandatory reading. Employees click the “I have read this” button and you can track it through analytics.

  • Track progress with built-in analytics
  • Send reminder notifications
  • Ensure important items are read and acted on

Give your company social feeds a presence on your intranet. Embed your company’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin streams inside your intranet.

  • Display social feeds on any page
  • Live-stream updates
  • Quick connection to company activity

Get your organization talking and sharing with your own enterprise-level blogging platform.

  • Way easier than WordPress
  • Start one for your CEO!
  • Comments, likes, and feedback
intranet homepage

Imagine having your employees find value in visiting your intranet homepage. It becomes a resource that they use daily.

  • Highly customizable
  • Every client is completely different
  • Navigate to third party systems

Be informed and ready to act with real-time information meant to keep you moving forward.

  • Push notifications to mobile
  • Get them in email, too
  • Immediate and nondisruptive

Capture the best of your employees, clients and partners. Set up a suggestion box with built-in voting & social sharing tools. You’ll quickly find ideas worth acting on.

  • Collect feedback on anything
  • Give employees a voice
  • Enable anonymous comments

Opt-in or out of daily and weekly activity emails. They’re sent at the end of each day detailing the latest activity that happened within all of your spaces.

  • Make sure employees are looped in
  • Daily or weekly options
  • No effort from you—emails are automated

The real-time Activity Ticker keeps you informed about everything and everyone you’re connected to. See updates about content you may be following.

  • Connect with relevant information and people
  • Live-stream updates
  • Ask a question or engage with content

Stay connected to your team. See who’s available and start a conversation—with one person or groups.

  • Drag and drop files and photos
  • All the bells and whistles
  • Emojis! 😀🎉🎈

Share your own productions or the best of the web. Upload, tag, and share videos with the rest of your team to tell the whole story.

  • Like your own company YouTube
  • Supports all video types
  • Embed into pages

Enable “likes” on just about everything—from documents and blogs, to posts and @mentions. Make content sharing a more engaging experience or let others know you read a message.

  • Quick way to engage with communications
  • Available on all content types
  • Easy to enable and disable

@Mentions are a great way to get someone’s attention or direct other employees to a specific user. When you tag a person with an @mention, they’ll get a notification.

Type the name of a file, article, or other content type after the @ symbol, and select the content you want.

  • Instant notifications
  • Drive engagement where you need it

Send an email to everyone in your company. Perfect to get company wide announcement out fast.

Fact-check anything.

Content Management

Document Management

Don’t just store files, make them an interactive tool for your organization through collaboration, comments and ratings. Drag-and-drop to upload, enable secure file sharing, set super-targeted permissions, and know that version control has your back if you need an older version of the file.



Find what you need quickly and easily. And control what gets indexed to make results more relevant and meaningful.

Keep work streamlined. Setup a series of moderation steps where content must be approved before it gets published. Everyone knows what’s due, the priority, and when work has been approved.

  • Organized workflows
  • Automated notifications

Create your own static web pages for your business or for specific groups—design them as simple or elaborate as you need.

Copy and move content around without starting off at square one—again. Create content in one space and then easily copy or move it to another. You save time and effort, without the worries of missing anything.

Everything you need to create content is easily laid out for you. The WYSIWYG editor is super easy to use—If you can use Word, you can use the WYSIWYG editor. Create content and build pages effortlessly without having to know HTML.

You can create document templates to be used in the rich text editor. This allows your site administrator or space administrators to create HTML templates that users can select from a dropdown and insert into the editor textarea. If you create a lot of documents using a uniform layout, this saves you time and effort by creating a standard HTML layout for your template.

Spell checker has your back so your work is error free. It automatically highlights words that are misspelled, prompting you to right-click over the area and selected a suggested correction.

Upload and attach files to any type of content. Great for sharing documents in context with the content they are attached to.

Employees can help to self-moderate content. If they see something questionable, they can report it to admins. A moderator can choose then if the content should remain visible or be removed.

Export any content as a PDF so you can share it with your coworkers or print it.

A report that shows content statistics, sentiment analysis, and the content read report. It shows a list of people that viewed the content, those that confirmed that they read it, and those that haven’t.

Pulse check how your people feel about what’s published on the intranet. Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing technique used to determine whether comments and discussions are positive, negative or neutral.

Expertly manage and share photos with your organization. Upload and share albums, and insert images anywhere.

  • Automatic resizing
  • Stock photos from Unsplash

Never lose a file version again. View the history of your content for just about any type—see who edited the document and what changes they made.

  • Compare versions
  • Rollback if necessary
  • Check content “in” and “out”

Tags give your content and conversations context and make everything easier to find, while connecting you to similar information.

  • Managed tags
  • Popular tag clouds

In the middle of a project and don’t have time to finish it? Draft your work—it’ll save your progress so you can finish up later.

  • Supports multitasking
  • Work on it later

Everyone’s up-to-date on new reading material when you display it where they will see it. Use RSS feeds to dynamically pull content on a page. You have full control over where content will be placed and never have to worry about updating a page when new content is posted.

Have a really long document? Generate a table of contents inside your content. Based on the headings in your content, people will be able to click links in this page to jump to a specific section in the content.

Print any content and share it with your coworkers.

Let people rate content to bubble it up in the search results. Rated content is great for knowing how people are feeling.

Automatically display articles and announcements on homepages. Flag content as ‘featured’ before publishing, and it will display on the homepage you select.

Refine your search and organize your documents with content filters. Filters are super helpful when you’re looking for something highly specific.

Preview files online in your browser, so you don’t have to download them. Supported file types include PDFs, the entire Microsoft suite, OpenOffice files, and video, audio, and text files.

Have a lot of files? No problem. Drag and drop all of them at once—your intranet does the uploading for you.

Help your people share their knowledge, skills and best practices in your very own collaborative workspace.

  • Company handbook
  • Policies, procedures, documentation

Stay ahead of the game by creating content today and setting it to automatically publish at a future date and time.

  • Send it out on Monday
  • Have it publish next week

The ghostwriting tool allows others to publish content on behalf of other people.

  • Exec assistant for the CEO
  • Comms for managers

Keep information in your intranet fresh and up to date with the expiration feature. Set an expiration date for content and decide whether the content will be visible after expiration or not.

  • Expires on custom date
  • Notify authors to update
  • Remove or keep live

Too many cooks in the kitchen complicates projects. Check-out a file when your working on it. When you’re finished, check it back in. Team members can see when a file is checked out and everything is tracked so changes are viewable later.

“Follow” content to stay in-the-know about when it’s updated or when someone comments on it.

Embed files, photos, and videos inside content to make it a rich source of helpful information.

At the top of each content, you’ll see an estimated read time. It’s based on the average reading speed of an adult. It’s a thoughtful feature so employees know how much time it will take.

Deactivate content to hide it from public view. Reactivate it whenever you need to.

You can manually add related articles to an article. Related blogs are auto-populated based on tags.

Need to revive a deleted file? The Recycle Bin folder has your back. Go back to the document you deleted and restore or purge files.

Group your content together in context by creating categories. Use them to filter, sort, and search.

Join a party. Or create your own.

Workspaces & groups

What’s a space?

Spaces are virtual work spaces that you can create for the different groups within your larger collaboration community. They allow you to organize teams, groups of people, and content. By creating spaces for specific groups, you can organize information better, cut down on clutter, improve communication, and encourage participation.

Essential SP Departments

Company Departments

Create a space for each division in your business. Set one up for Human Resources to host company policy information. Give Marketing and Sales their own space to collaborate on leads.

Setup a space and invite all your managers to share best practices and help each other excel.

Launch communities for new employees and subject-matter experts so they can connect and help each other.

Launch a space and invite your entire sales team. Upload sales collateral for everyone to access anytime, from anywhere they’re located.

  • Where’s that deck?!
  • Anyone know a customer in finance?

Bring together executives and board members to work together, communicate, and collaborate.

Share all company news, announcements, and updates in one place. Everyone knows where to find out what’s new.

Give all employees a space to come together to hear the latest company happenings. Give them a voice by allowing them to ask questions.

Create a self-serve living library of all of your company’s valuable knowledge. Include documentation, policies, procedures, and more.

Give your people the power to self-organize into project teams. Setup secure online workspaces where you can collaborate on tasks, share files, and communicate effectively.

Host a space for people to connect around a topic related to your business.

  • Like your own company YouTube
  • Supports all video types

Bring your customers even closer into your business by providing each of them with a private communication booth.

  • Bring customers into the mix
  • Collaborate with vendors, too

Everyone’s go-to place to find updates and information about your company’s products, details, roadmaps, tech-specs.

Connect your sales team and cross functional team members to assist during the sales process. Share best practices and bring people to help answer the hardest questions.

No more employee handbooks in binders stuffed in drawers. Now it’s online and instantly accessible. Update it anytime.

Setup a space and turn on anonymous discussion posts to give your employees an honest place to share their sensitive topics.

Let anyone join a space! Browse the directory of your company’s public workspaces. Great for knowledge bases, communities and FAQs.

Keep certain content, conversations and projects between selected people. Ideal for personal projects, departments, “top secret” task forces, functional groups and sensitive topics, like employee reviews.

  • Employees must be invited
  • Hidden from public view

Setup a space to store content for audits, regulatory compliance, risk mitigation and more.

Share information about your company’s health and wellness programs.

One central place for employees to interact with your IT team. Submit tickets and incidents. Share documentation and how-to’s.

Give your higher-up’s a private space to coordinate the direction of the company and stay organized.

Save time.

Productivity tools
Popular Pro Calendars


Organize your schedule and keep track of meetings and important dates. Share your entire calendar and invite people to events. Setup group and department calendars to coordinate many people and keep them on track. Integrates with Outlook 365 and Google Calendars.

Essential Pro Tasks

Task Management

Know what’s due and when, and who’s responsible for getting it done. Never wonder about due dates and deliverables again.

Manage and maintain lists of issues or tasks that need to be solved. Assign them, collaborate, track status, set due dates, and more.

  • Software bug tracking
  • Feature requests
  • Customer questions

Use Communifire’s powerful elastic search engine to find what you need across your entire intranet, all of your connected file repositories, and all integrations.

Google Workspace Intranet Integration

Communifire integrates with Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms so all important tools are in your intranet and searchable.

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Setup a help desk for any department to provide internal support.

  • IT helpdesk
  • Human Resources Q&A

Bookmarks are your personal library of saved content. Bookmarks store content that is important to you, all in one place.

mobile intranet software

Access your intranet from Apple and Google devices. Also available in all modern mobile browsers with responsive design.

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The Launch Pad is a navigation widget that you can use to provide hyperlinks to launch into your other 3rd party systems. Quickly

Office 356 Intranet Integration

With the Communifire for Office 365 integration, you have access to the most important tools without leaving your intranet. Access files, co-edit Word, Excel, Powerpoint documents, and search Office 365.

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We the people.

Workplace culture
Popular WC Employee Directory

Employee Directory

Imagine having all of your people together in one place, where you can search your company directory and find the people you need.

Popular WC orgchart

Interactive Org Chart

Quickly and visually understand and navigate your organizational structure. See who reports to whom.

New WC Recognition


Give and get kudos. Your employees can reward each other badges to say thanks, recognize a job well done, and to recognize the achievements of others.

User profile contains personal, work, skills, and contact information—making it simple to connect with and find anyone in your company.

  • Create custom fields
  • Profiles auto populated from SSO

Communifire powers connections—and the relationships they create—by showing you who’s who and how you might know someone.

Your personal activity stream is a real-time feed of dynamic content covering what you’re working on and who you’re working with.

  • Where’s that deck?!
  • Anyone know a customer in finance?

See what your employees are doing, what they’re working on, and who they’re working with.

Hover over anyone’s profile photo or name—you’ll see their rank in the community—and a message button that lets you contact them directly.

As easy as Facebook. See who’s online right now, and click their pic to start a convo.

When people participate in the platform, they earn points for content they create (such as posting an article or starting a discussion). They also earn points for actions they take, like commenting on or liking content. As people receive points from the actions they make (or take), they earn Point Levels. The more points they earn, the higher the level they receive.

Badges are symbols of achievement to encourage and reward your participation in the intranet. Use badges to say thanks, show your appreciation, and recognize the contributions of your coworkers.

Encourage competitive participation and get your employees more engaged in their daily activities through points and rewards.

  • Bring customers into the mix
  • Collaborate with vendors, too

Show a leaderboard on your homepage to publicly reward engagement. And offer additional incentives for people that reach a top level of contribution.

Display a list of employee birthdays and work anniversaries to start a celebration everyday. A great way for people so share positive feelings.

Display your employees of the month, day, week, or year. Feature them prominantly on the homepage or department pages so everyone can see them. Make them visible and increase engagement.

Adapt on the fly.

There’s a simple web form to upload your logo, favicon, and change the header color to match your look and feel.

Utilize the powerful and comprehensive REST API to GET and POST data using any programming language you want. Unlimited flexibility.

The Application Settings gives you the option to enable, disable, or only have certain features turned on.

A robust set of tools to manage things like settings, look and feel, domain configurations, localization, and much more.

Data in, data out. Download CSVs or PDFs of important information from your intranet.

Profanity filters work by identifying words that you deem inappropriate and then substituting them for the censored word or symbols you want to use.

Transactional and bulk emails can be queued up and sent out in batches.

You have full control over how content is archived, logged, and automatucally deleted.

Axero has advanced storage settings which allows you to store videos, photos, files and content files on your own storage devices. If you’re worried about your web server not having enough space, use this area to take the heavy load of data off your web server.

Using URL Mappers, you can create URL redirects. For example, if you deleted an article but you linked this article in other places, you can create a URL Mapper to redirect the old URL to a new URL. This also helps Google know where to redirect users if you have a public intranet.

Background Tasks keeps your intranet fast and responsive by running tasks at ‘low-load’ times of the day.

Axero uses a fine-grained, role based permission matrix to manage access to different parts of the system.

Manage user profile fields and add your own custom fields to user profiles. You can specify various properties, such as how many values are required and permitted, which roles can see the field, whether the field is searchable, whether the field requires unique values, etc.

Axero can be translated to any language.

Each space gets its own independent control panel, so you can distribute management across departments or teams.

Axero ships with a core CSS file. You can further customize this CSS by adding your own CSS overrides directly into the admin interface.

Axero is incredibly flexible and gives you a wide array of tools to customize your intranet using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Only available for on-premise licenses. With distributed file system tools to synchronize files across servers, you can choose between single instance file servers and multiple servers. If hosted on a load-balanced web farm there is nothing to prevent Axero from accommodating millions of users.

Axero uses the .NET Cache object to cache frequently accessed data. The platform also comes with a Redis plug-in, support for Memcached, and a caching provider framework so you can plug in your own caching system without modifying the source.

All data is encrypted at rest using AES-256 and AES-256 FIPS 140-2 Level 3. Passwords are encrypted using AES Rijndaehl algorithm (with proper hashing) and query string parameters are encrypted when necessary.

All connections are secured via SSL/TLS 1.2.

Automatically create rules to add your employees to the spaces they need to have access to. This ties into your SSO, Active Directory, and other identity providers.

Unlimited flexibility. Create any page with any data you need—and as many as you want. All easily built with drag-and-drop.

The header and navigation on every page can be customized however you like with drag-and-drop.


Create custom navigation lists for employees. Launch into important spaces, content, or 3rd party apps.

You can add, edit, and manage templates that are frequently required within the system.

Dark mode makes it easier to stay focused on work, reduces eye strain, and improves visibility for users with low vision and light sensitivity.

You can set the meta title, meta keywords, and meta description for just about every page in the platform.

Add javascript tracking codes to the header or the footer of each page in your intranet. Google Analytics, Faceook or Twitter tracking, or any tracking codes will work.

Enable two-factor authentication on your account to add an extra layer of security. When two-factor authentication is enabled, you will be required to enter a verification code after logging in with your username and password.

Axero integrates with your Single Sign-on service across your business applications to make life easier for your employees. About 95% of our customers do it. And you can too.

You get it all.

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Mobile intranet software

Axero gives you ‘morebility.

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Intranet integrations

Powerful integrations make for easy roll-outs.

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Weeks not months.

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Intranet implementation services

Client success stories.