Intranet software for nonprofits, NGOs, trusts, and think tanks

Make the most of your staff and volunteers’ time with Axero, the intranet software that brings everyone together—and make the impact you were meant to make in the world.

Trusted by the world’s top non-profit organizations:

Be good stewards to the community you serve.

The more efficient your nonprofit is, the further you can stretch every penny. If your staff and volunteers have ten browser tabs open, on top of communication and collaboration apps, they’re spending more time managing their digital tools than they are serving their community. Simplify and streamline your organization’s digital workplace with Axero. Learn more about our intranet software for nonprofits to maximize your impact in driving positive change.
Social Tools
Productivity tools for everyone.

News, announcements, and updates are easy to share.

Unify your team and keep everyone in the loop with a variety of content publishing tools and internal communications capabilities. Publish critical information as blog posts or articles. Start a discussion thread to discuss a hot topic. Improve transparency and inspire your people with videos. Post a status update or use chat to let your teammates know what’s happening. And most importantly: Keep everyone out of their email inboxes. In Axero, you can target your messages so exactly the right people see it, and even make those messages “required reading” with the click of a button.

Collect everyone’s expertise in one searchable digital workplace.

Your volunteers, coordinators, administrators, staff, and partners bring a lot of knowledge to the table. Axero centralizes that expertise and makes it easy to find and reference with robust knowledge management features. Explore the features of industry-leading intranet software platforms for NGOs and think tanks, discover how an intranet can support your organization with living libraries and productivity-enhancing tools for your team. No file folders, FTP transfers, or messy shared drives necessary. Your Axero intranet software collects knowledge automatically, and builds a living library as your team works. Your manuals, processes, guides, articles, posts, and discussions become a self-serve resource for everyone.
Archive or delete data on your terms
Total data control for 100% compliance

Find your people.

Unlock the power of a social intranet with the Axero company directory and employee profiles. Member profiles aren’t just contact cards—they’re fully functional social profiles with activity feeds, an index of authored content, a snapshot of who they’re connected to, and a view into the spaces and groups they belong to. You can also publish status updates, photos, videos, events, and more, just like the social media platforms you know and love. You and your team members decide what’s publicly viewable, what’s private, and what’s shared only with connections. With all of this information at your fingertips, you can always find the right person for the task at hand.
A stylized purple robot with a friendly appearance, featuring round eyes and a single antenna with a yellow tip, set against a simple purple background.

See how Axero works

Watch a mini demo of how our intranet works.

Why top brands choose Axero

Connect and get informed
Axero provides an easy way for your workforce to get connected and informed. Streamline communications and simplify the process of daily knowledge sharing.
Access 24/7 anywhere
Eliminate barriers based on location or devices. Provide your team of volunteers with instant access to knowledge they need from any mobile device anywhere.
Increase productivity
Encourage information sharing by removing silos. Speed up knowledge acquisition and remove frustrations and operational inefficiencies. See your productivity rise.
Search and find
Find the information you need when you need it easily via Axero’s centralized knowledge base. Stop sifting through email threads.
Collaborate easily
Create online workspaces to collaborate on projects with your volunteers and admin. Invite sponsors and partners to share insight on specific endeavors.
Organize your info
Getting your best work done requires excellent organization of information so that you can pull all the relevant data and insight on any topic at any time. Axero makes that easy. Organize info by projects, groups, or topics.
Tap into employee insight within context
Axero makes it easy for your teams to share their expertise within the context of any topic or project. Unlock that insight and make better decisions.
Build loyalty across the board
Engage your volunteers and admins so that they become effective brand ambassadors. Boost interest in your non-profit in your partners and sponsors.

Client success stories.

Frequently asked questions about intranet for nonprofit organizations

All Axero plans come with top-notch support, free upgrades, and access to our customer community. We also offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for customers who are looking for more advanced support.Our customers tell us our support sets us apart from every other intranet vendor they considered. Everyone at Axero is part of our customer support team and considers making customers happy the most integral part of their job description. Even if a resolution requires a response from senior management, we’ll answer quickly, honestly, and creatively to get the issue solved. If you don’t succeed, we don’t succeed.

Of course! Get your intranet up and running with a Launch Package, where we work with you to develop a strategy for implementing Axero and getting your project off the ground. We’ll walk you through the platform and provide technical guidance, show you how to get around the software, help you think strategically about solving your challenges, and teach you how to use Axero’s features to accomplish your goals.

We’ll host and run your intranet portal on our servers for you, so you don’t have to deal with the hassle of managing hardware, software updates, or security. As an Axero customer, you get your own secure, single-tenant installation of our software and database in our cloud.If you want more control over your intranet platform, you can deploy Axero on your own server infrastructure. On-premise installation gives you the ultimate flexibility in feature options and allows for deeper customization and stronger security.

Yes. Axero is designed to make it easy for individual departments, administrative units, or sites to manage their own content. Set up a “Space” for each department or project where they can collaborate, share files, and keep track of their own schedules. The interface is very intuitive, with no training required—your team members can step right in without missing a beat.

Absolutely! Axero apps are designed for native integration with the Android and iOS operating systems. It provides smartphone and tablet users with a streamlined interface for accessing your company’s intranet. If you have an active license, you can download the Axero apps free of charge from the iTunes App Store or Google Play.

Your security is our priority. We understand that security is an extremely important aspect of your business. It’s very important to ours, too. As an Axero customer, you get your own independent database and instance of the Axero software—and your data is kept completely separate from every other customer’s.We use state of the art application security, SSL/TLS, encryption, daily and incremental backups, and hardened operating systems.
  • SSAE 16 (SOC 1, SOC Type II) compliant facilities
  • ISO 27001 compliant
  • AES-256 and AES-256 FIPS 140-2 Level 3 encryption
  • SSL/TLS secure connections
  • Vulnerability scans
  • Intrusion detection monitoring
  • Penetration tests
  • Disaster recovery plans
  • Incremental and full data backups

Yes. Integrate your own single sign on across your business applications to make life easier for your employees. About 85% of our customers do it. And you can too.
  • Active Directory, ADFS, Azure
  • SAML
  • 3rd parties: Onelogin, Okta, Etc.
  • Social logins: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, X.

Yes. Enable two-factor authentication on your account to add an extra layer of security. With two-factor authorization, intranet admins can rest assured that only your people can access your intranet.
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • Google Authenticator
  • Duo Mobile