SharePoint Alternative

Axero Intranet Software is the #1 SharePoint Alternative.

End the complexity and expense of SharePoint once and for all. Axero is the easy-to-use, quick-to-launch alternative to SharePoint for organizations of all size.

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SharePoint Alternative

Trusted by the world’s top brands.

97% of our clients are actively using the software after 5 years. Millions of employees and hundreds of customers all over the globe trust Axero as their modern intranet.

How many people are you paying to run your SharePoint right now?

Powering intranets for growth focused organizations. Let’s face it. SharePoint is not an easy software to manage. You’re probably not just paying for the license(s), you’re also paying for consultants, implementation support, logistical help, extra services, and training. All of this for a tool that’s hit the end of its shelf life. Get a full social intranet with key features like organized task management and robust communication and collaboration up and running in days with Axero. No special training or extra overhead required. Your digital workplace awaits.
Easy to Set Up, Simple to Build and Maintain

Deploy your intranet in a matter of minutes.

You don’t need to have a PhD to set up your new intranet software. Axero can be deployed in the cloud or on your own servers in minutes—and you can launch a fully functional, branded intranet to your team in days. No special training needed. But if you do need some assistance with configuration or customization, Axero support team expertise is always included. Plus, Axero cleans up the SharePoint mess with user friendly and developer-friendly integrations. Single sign-on, a powerful REST layer, and the ability to pull data from Axero into other systems makes it easy for even beginner-level programmers to custom-develop your company intranet into an advanced collaboration and document management system.
Alternative to SharePoint
Enterprise-Level Security

Your data is always safe with Axero.

Your company intranet is built on the same robust, state-of-the-art security that major banks use—and like everything in Axero, the security features are intuitive and simple to use. Day to day, you’re in full control of your data with fine-grained, role-based permissions. Sensitive and confidential information stays sensitive and confidential. With single-tenant architecture, your data is completely separate from anyone else’s, and application security is thoroughly and regularly tested.
Enterprise level intranet security for SharePoint
Document Management

Upload, share and collaborate on documents and files fast.

Keep your files and documents in one centralized location. With comprehensive document sharing and version control, you’ll never experience the clutter of a shared network drive again. Upload and manage Word docs, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentation decks, PDFs, images and more. Preview files before downloading them, and use comments, liking and ratings to collaborate on files without sending a single email. Powerful document storage and search makes it easy to find what you’re looking for, and fine-grained permissions ensure complete access control.
Document management software for SharePoint
Centralized Knowledge Management

Put your team’s knowledge to work.

Build a centralized, searchable knowledge base with our project management software and your organization’s wealth of expertise. No more messy shared drives or FTP transfers. Axero’s Microsoft SharePoint Alternative collects knowledge automatically, pulling together your documents, content, discussions, cases and FAQs into one superpowered hub of information and collaboration features. Yes, you read that right: Your knowledge base builds itself. The resources you need are always a quick search away. Now when your team members need information, it’s literally at their fingertips.
Knowledge management software for SharePoint
News, Announcements and Updates

Communicate important information with a variety of content types.

Share updates and increase transparency with blogs, articles and posts that go straight to your team’s activity stream. Your employees can get caught up on news, videos and press releases at their leisure—or you can mark your content as required reading to notify your team that it’s a mandatory bulletin.
Internal communications software for SharePoint
Mobile Intranet

Your intranet. Everywhere. Anywhere. Anytime.

Axero makes it easier than ever to get things done at work. Connect people and take action like never before. Unify your organization and give your employees access to your intranet anywhere, anytime. Learn more about mobile apps
Sharepoint mobile intranet alternative
Customizable Homepage and Flexible Spaces

Create a digital workplace that employees look forward to logging into.

Your Axero intranet homepage is impressively customizable with drag-and-drop elements and easy-to-use design tools. Brand your homepage with your company’s logo and colors, and stock it with the information, content and links your employees need most. Private and public spaces can bring people together for a project, interest, topic, department—quickly build one of these sub-communities for anything at all. Members are notified of updates to the workspace, so they’re always in the loop.
Intranet homepage for SharePoint
Powerful Search

Search once, find everything you need.

Axero’s powerful contextual search capabilities help you find the information you’re looking for, no matter what format it’s in. Smart Search knows what you’re allowed to find and helps you find it quickly. Create a search filter to narrow down your results and discover the most relevant conversations, documents, files and comments.
Intranet search software for SharePoint
Content Management System

Create, manage and publish content to share your expertise.

Write a blog post or article, build a wiki page, share photos and videos—Axero is a professional social network and content creation platform in one. Version control is built-in, and permission is easy to set so only the people that are supposed to see your content will see it. Set an expiration date for your content so what your team sees is always up to date.
Content management software for SharePoint
Collaboration Tools

Collaborate on projects, files, conversations—you name it.

With Axero intranet software, you can bring everyone together and collaborate in context. Every document, conversation, project or piece of content becomes a hub of likes, comments, follows and ratings. No more email overload: Collaboration happens right where the work is taking place. @Mention a colleague to bring them into the loop on any file or content type. Can’t remember what your team decided about a past issue? Even older conversations are easy to find and reference. With Axero’s contextual search, you’ll never lose track of a conversation again. Project management tools that are flexible, familiar, and friendly.
Create dedicated digital workspaces for SharePoint
Public and Private Calendars

Manage your schedule and your team’s schedule in one place.

Axero’s public and private calendars make it easy to organize your own schedule while keeping tabs on your team’s availability too. Share any calendar with anyone, set reminders for important dates, create recurring meetings, and plan events all without leaving your browser window. Your Axero calendar integrates with Outlook and Google Calendar, too.
Calendar software for SharePoint
Analytics and Auditing

Track activity with ease.

Built-in analytics and auditing features enable you to track intranet traffic, membership reports, user activities and more. Check the “Required Reading” box when you publish content to flag it as mandatory reading—you can track who’s read it, and who needs a nudge. Search analytics show you what keywords your people are searching for so you can uncover the topics most important to them.
Intranet analytics and auditing for SharePoint

Give your team a place to share their ideas.

Axero’s ideation tool gives your employees a platform to voice their ideas—and it creates an instantly searchable source for thoughts, opinions and ideas for improving the employee experience. Your employees, customers and partners—whoever you invite to share in the ideation process—can add ideas, vote on them, comment and like so the most important ideas will get the attention they deserve.
Ideation software for SharePoint
Discussion Forums

Spark conversations and improve dialog.

Conversation is at the heart of an outstanding employee experience. A discussion forum makes conversation possible asynchronously, so everyone gets heard, no matter where they’re located. Communication has the power to connect people, and it also has the power create a more intelligent company for the long run: Mark a thread on a post as an answer to a question and it will become part of your Axero searchable knowledge base.
Discussion forums software for SharePoint

Frequently asked questions.

All Axero plans come with top-notch support, free upgrades and access to our customer community. We also offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for customers who are looking for more advanced support. Our customers tell us our support sets us apart from every other intranet vendor they considered. Everyone at Axero is part of our customer support team and considers making customers happy as the most integral part of their job description. Even if a resolution requires a response from senior management, we’ll answer quickly, honestly, and creatively to get the issue solved. Our success is tied directly to your success, so it’s our job to meet your expectations.
Of course! Get your intranet up and running with a Launch Package, where we work with you to develop a strategy for implementing Axero and getting your project off the ground. We’ll walk you through the platform and provide technical guidance, show you how to get around the software, help you think strategically about solving your challenges, and teach you how to use Axero’s features to accomplish your goals.
We’ll host and run your intranet portal on our servers for you, so you don’t have to deal with the hassle of managing hardware, software updates, or security. As an Axero customer, you get your own secure, single-tenant installation of our software and database in our cloud. If you want more control over your intranet platform, you can deploy Axero on your own server infrastructure. On-premise installation gives you the ultimate flexibility in feature options and allows for deeper customization and more robust security.
Yes. Axero is a SharePoint Alternative, and is designed to make it easy for individual departments, administrative units, or locations to manage their own content and make team collaboration as smooth as can be. Set up “Spaces” for each department and make collaboration, file sharing, and schedule tracking easier than ever. Set up “Spaces” for each department where they can collaborate, share files, and keep track of their schedules. Spaces let you organize in a way that’s comfortable and familiar to how you already work. There’s virtually no learning curve—your staff and team members can step right in without missing a beat.
The Axero mobile apps are designed for native integration with the Android and iOS operating systems, and provide smartphone and tablet users with a streamlined interface for accessing your company’s intranet. Customers with an active license can download these apps free of charge from the iTunes App Store or from Google Play.
Your security is our priority. We understand that security is an extremely important element of your business. It’s very important to ours, too. As an Axero customer, you get your own independent database and instance of the Axero software—and your data is kept completely separate from every other customer’s. We use state-of-the-art application security, SSL/TLS, encryption, daily and incremental backups, and hardened operating systems.
Yes! About 85% of our customers integrate their own single sign-on across their business applications to make life easier for their community members—and so can you. Some of the integrations we currently support include:
  • Active Directory, ADFS, Azure, OpenID
  • jQuery, SQL Server
  • SAML
  • 3rd parties: Onelogin, Okta, Etc.
  • Social logins: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.
  • And more!