Intranet software for nonprofit organizations.

Make the most of your staff and volunteers’ time with intranet software that brings everyone together—and make the impact you were meant to make in the world.

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Intranet Software for Non Profits

Trusted by the world’s top brands.

97% of our clients are actively using the software after 5 years. Millions of employees and hundreds of customers all over the globe trust Communifire as their modern intranet.

The communities you serve rely on your nonprofit organization to be good stewards. Communifire makes it easy for you to keep that promise.

Powering intranets at nonprofits doing amazing things. The more efficient your nonprofit is, the further you can stretch every penny. If your staff and volunteers have ten browser tabs open with communication and collaboration apps, they’re spending more time managing their digital tools than they are serving their community. Simplify and streamline your organization’s digital workplace with Communifire intranet software.
Communifire provides a platform for our Non-Profit to stimulate conversations, cultivate our community, and engage our members.
Janine Jordan
Executive Director, Electronic Music Alliance
Publish Internal Communications

News, announcements and updates are easy to share.

Unify your team and keep everyone in the loop with a variety of content publishing tools and internal communications capabilities. Publish critical information as blog posts or articles. Start a discussion thread to discuss a hot topic. Improve transparency and inspire your people with videos. Post a status update or use chat to let your teammates know what’s happening. And most importantly: Keep everyone out of their email inboxes. In Communifire, you can target your messages so exactly the right people see it, and even make those messages “required reading” with the click of a button.
Communications software for nonprofit
Centralized Knowledge Base

Collect everyone’s expertise in one searchable digital workplace.

Your volunteers, coordinators, administrators, staff and partners bring a lot of knowledge to the table. Communifire centralizes that expertise and makes it easy to find and reference with robust knowledge management features. No file folders, FTP transfers or messy shared drives necessary. Your intranet software collects knowledge automatically, and builds a living library as your team works. Your manuals, processes, guides, articles, posts and discussions become a self-serve resource for everyone.
Knowledge management software for nonprofit
Document Management and File Sharing

Organize, store and share your information with ease.

Your organization has been hard at work making a difference in the world—make it easy on them to find and share the files they need to do their best work. Document management and file sharing are easy, fast and secure with Communifire intranet software. Preview documents before downloading, drag-and-drop to update documents at any time, and track versions of every file with comprehensive version control. Communifire eliminates inefficiency, makes your information actionable, and helps you keep your board, partners and donors informed and engaged.
Document management software for nonprofit
Employee Directory and Profiles

Find your people.

Unlock the power of a social intranet with the Communifire company directory and employee profiles. Member profiles aren’t just contact cards—they’re fully functional social profiles with activity feeds, an index of authored content, a snapshot of who they’re connected to, and a view into the spaces and groups they belong to. You can also publish status updates, photos, videos, events and more, just like the social media platforms you know and love. You and your team members decide what’s publicly viewable, what’s private, and what’s shared only with connections. With all of this information at your fingertips, you can always find the right person for the task at hand.
Company directory software for nonprofit

Create a space to connect the right people.

Communifire Spaces act as flexible sub-communities to connect people on common subjects. Create a space for each department, volunteer team, location, project … whatever brings your people together deserves an online space of its own. Add blogs, files, events—you decide what features you want to activate for each space. Invite only the people who need to be there, or make it open for anyone to join. Create a calendar specific to the space for easy time management.
Digital workspace for nonprofit
Powerful Search

Contextual search makes information and insight instantly accessible.

Find what you need, when you need it, with Communifire’s powerful search features. Locate documents, unearth old conversations, pull up all the information on any given topic in a single search box. Filter the results to zero in on exactly what you’re looking for, no matter what format it’s in. Never worry about losing an email again, or mis’filing a document. Anything in Communifire can be easily found and recovered—yet with fine-grained permission settings, you can rest assured that your people will only see what they’re supposed to.
Intranet search for nonprofit
Mobile Intranet Software

At the office, on-site or traveling to the next big project, your intranet is always with you.

No matter what devices your team members are using, and no matter where they are in the world, your Communifire intranet is always accessible. Download the app for the ultimate in mobile intranet capabilities, or access Communifire through any browser. Your intranet is as flexible and hard-working as your staff and volunteers are, so everyone can get the information they need and stay on the same page.
Social software for nonprofit
Your Unique Intranet Homepage

Customize and personalize the first thing your people see.

Your company intranet should be so much more than the sum of its features. It should be motivational, inspirational, and uniquely yours. When you launch Communifire intranet software for nonprofit organization, your intranet homepage will quickly become the first thing your employees and volunteers want to check when they arrive for the workday. Add your charitable organization’s logo and branding, and include information from departments, groups and projects. Add relevant links for your volunteers, customize the news feed, and highlight important updates. Need help? Your Axero support team is ready and waiting to help you figure things out, free of charge.
Customizable intranet software for nonprofit
Productivity Tools

Eliminate barriers and improve efficiency with a range of productivity tools.

Task management, project management, file sharing and collaboration no longer require different tools. Your public charity team members have all the productivity apps they need built into their intranet software. With Communifire, your organization can focus more on making a difference—and less on managing day-to-day work. Plan a project, assign tasks, track progress, schedule volunteers, and create step-by-step systems in the same tool you use to communicate internally. Everyone stays aligned and productive, and daily operations run smoothly.
Productivity tools for nonprofit
Connect and Collaborate

Bring partners, volunteers and staff together to collaborate in one place.

Whether you’re collaborating on documents or projects, ideas or events, issues or mission statements, Communifire’s collaboration features ensure everyone can participate. Collaborators can use likes, comments, follows and ratings to make their voices heard. Start a conversation in a discussion forum to explore a subject with the group, create a case to track an issue through to resolution, and publish written or visual content to express your views and stir a dialog. The Ideation tool adds an additional layer of collaboration capabilities, and gives your people a platform to share and vote on each other’s ideas. Even your quietest team members will feel motivated to participate when they know their ideas will be heard.
Internal communications software for nonprofit
Bring People Together

Brand loyalty has a big impact on charitable giving—move people and connect them to your cause.

Communifire comes with a variety of internal communication tools to improve the employee experience, but you can use this same intranet platform to reach your external audience. Create a public-facing workspace to share what your nonprofit is doing to make an impact, and invite your volunteers and donors in on the conversation.
Digital workspace for nonprofit
Public and Private Calendars

Manage your time, your team’s time, and your charitable events in Communifire.

Personal and shared calendars give you professional-level time management tools that work both inside and outside your organization. Manage your work schedule, set up team meetings, and plan your charitable events all in one place. Send invitations to your key partners by email or directly from the calendar, and set reminders to make sure everyone gets the nudge they need. Color-code your activities for ultimate personalization, and just drag-and-drop appointments to change times. Communifire calendars sync seamlessly with Outlook and Google Calendar, too.
Personal and shared calendars for nonprofit
The Same Security Banks Use

Donor information and employee data are always safe in Communifire.

Your digital workplace will always be safe and secure. Communifire is built on the same robust, state-of-the-art security that major banks use, and the security features are intuitive and simple to use. Your nonprofit organization is in full control of all its data with fine-grained, role-based permissions. Confidential information stays confidential—with single-tenant architecture, your data is completely separate from anyone else’s. Communifire application security is thoroughly and regularly tested, too.
Intranet security software for nonprofit
Analytics and Auditing

Track intranet activity to become a more efficient organization.

Track intranet traffic, search keywords, membership reports, user activities and more with Communifire’s built-in analytics and auditing features. When you know how people are using your intranet, you can focus it on what’s most important to them—and become a more efficient nonprofit organization as a result.
Intranet analytics software for nonprofit
We are a small organization with a big vision and not a whole lot of resources. Communifire mobilizes our people to get more done, faster and more efficiently than ever.
L D Gupta
President, Abhipraay Foundation

Onboard your volunteers faster with easy-to-use intranet software for nonprofits.

Training materials, volunteer opportunities, and administrative tools live under one easily-navigated roof when your intranet is built on Communifire. Create a space to act as a training hub, add documented procedures and daily operations details, and create a training calendar so new team members can get up to speed fast.
Social intranet for nonprofit

Frequently asked questions.

All Communifire plans come with top-notch support, free upgrades and access to our customer community. We also offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for customers who are looking for more advanced support. Our customers tell us our support sets us apart from every other intranet vendor they considered. Everyone at Axero is part of our customer support team and considers making customers happy as the most integral part of their job description. Even if a resolution requires a response from senior management, we’ll answer quickly, honestly, and creatively to get the issue solved. Our success is tied directly to your success, so it’s our job to meet your expectations.
Of course! Get your intranet up and running with a Launch Package, where we work with you to develop a strategy for implementing Communifire and getting your project off the ground. We’ll walk you through the platform and provide technical guidance, show you how to get around the software, help you think strategically about solving your challenges, and teach you how to use Communifire’s features to accomplish your goals.
We’ll host and run your intranet portal on our servers for you, so you don’t have to deal with the hassle of managing hardware, software updates, or security. As a Communifire customer, you get your own secure, single-tenant installation of our software and database in our cloud. If you want more control over your intranet platform, you can deploy Communifire on your own server infrastructure. On-premise installation gives you the ultimate flexibility in feature options and allows for deeper customization and stronger security.
Yes. Communifire is designed to make it easy for individual departments, administrative units, or locations to manage their own content. Set up “Spaces” for each department where they can collaborate, share files, and keep track of their schedules. Spaces let you organize in a way that’s comfortable and familiar to how you already work. There’s virtually no learning curve—your staff and team members can step right in without missing a beat.
The Communifire apps are designed for native integration with the Android and iOS operating systems, and provide smartphone and tablet users with a streamlined interface for accessing your company’s intranet. Customers with an active license can download these apps free of charge from the iTunes App Store or from Google Play.
Your security is our priority. We understand that security is an extremely important element of your business. It’s very important to ours, too. As a Communifire customer, you get your own independent database and instance of the Communifire software—and your data is kept completely separate from every other customer’s. We use state-of-the-art application security, SSL/TLS, encryption, daily and incremental backups, and hardened operating systems.
Yes! About 85% of our customers integrate their own single sign-on across their business applications to make life easier for their community members—and so can you. Some of the integrations we currently support include:
  • Active Directory, ADFS, Azure, OpenID
  • jQuery, SQL Server
  • SAML
  • 3rd parties: Onelogin, Okta, Etc.
  • Social logins: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.
  • And more!