Intranet software for hospitals, clinics, and healthcare companies

Healthcare workers need access to resources and colleagues in order to provide the best service for patients. Streamline communication and collaboration across your healthcare organization with Axero, a digital hub built to efficiently connect your people to the information they need.

Trusted by the world’s top healthcare services provider:

Better access to information for better patient care.

The best patient care is a team effort. With Axero, you can streamline your processes, eliminate information silos, and improve knowledge sharing across clinic locations, departments, and teams. Work from any device to collaborate and share information with your team of healthcare professionals and administrative personnel—all in one digital workspace. Find out more about our intranet software and how it can benefit your healthcare organization.
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Productivity tools for everyone.

Quickly find the people you need. Give everyone a voice.

Axero’s rich employee profile and interactive org chart make it easy to find the right person to answer a question or tackle a task. And in a healthcare organization, finding the right expert or specialist for a particular area is critical. Your team members can easily share their expertise by creating rich profiles and publishing their own content. Personalized employee profiles encourage relationship-building and personal connection based on shared areas of interest. Your healthcare team works best when it works together.

Track what matters most.

Like any large organization, your healthcare team has a lot of work to manage. Axero makes it easy for you to stay on top of important activities and events. Compare the different features of intranet software to find the best fit for your team and business. Track patient concerns, meetings, administrative deadlines, and medical training for your team. With Axero, you can create cases and track issues to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Each case has a status, a priority, and milestones, and you can tag a case against other cases to track related issues. Assign responsibilities to individuals and create reminders to maintain productive momentum.
Archive or delete data on your terms
Total data control for 100% compliance

HIPAA compliant and secure.

Security and compliance are our top priorities—because they’re your top priorities. Axero intranet software is HIPAA compliant and thoroughly tested for cybersecurity, so you can be confident that your data is safe and secure. Axero also includes granular roles and permissions features that let you control access to sensitive information. Make absolutely sure your team is seeing your new and updated policies and procedures with Axero’s Required Reading feature.
A stylized purple robot with a friendly appearance, featuring round eyes and a single antenna with a yellow tip, set against a simple purple background.

See how Axero works

Watch a mini demo of how our intranet works.

Why top hospitals and healthcare companies choose Axero

Simplify work processes
Streamline your workflows so that your healthcare professionals are connected to new, valuable information instantly to make better, informed decisions in a timely manner.
Access information anywhere
Whether you’re doctors and nurses are in a hospital, clinic or on-site, stay in touch 24/7 using the mobile and desktop devices you prefer. Create the best experiences for your patients and customers by centralizing documents in one place and on any device.
Boost team productivity
Accelerate productivity by removing information barriers imposed by email. Simplify communications by reaching teams with targeted information in a place where they will see it, which keeps your teams connected and informed.
Retrieve information fast
Your healthcare professionals need access to updated information fast. Axero has robust search functionality built in.
Increase project collaboration
Create online workspaces and invite your healthcare professionals, admins, and partners when you need them to collaborate on projects. Scale up or down easily.
Organize information and knowledge
Organization works when you can find all the information you need easily. With Axero, you can organize content by projects, topics, and online workspaces.
Discover employee insight
Axero intranet makes it easy to collect insight from your healthcare professionals within the context of any discussion, topic, or project.
Increase employee engagement
As you invite feedback from your healthcare team and develop a collaborative, transparent organization, your workforce will engage more and provide better patient and customer service.

Client success stories.

Frequently asked questions about intranet for healtcare companies

No worries! All Axero plans come with top-level support, free upgrades, and access to our customer community. We also offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for customers who are looking for more advanced support.According to our existing customers, Axero’s support sets us head and shoulders above our competitors. Every Axero employee is a member of the customer support team, and making our customers happy is a key part of every job description. Whether the answer comes from a customer service representative or straight from senior management, we’ll get your questions answered quickly and honestly. If you’re not successful, we’re not successful.

Of course! We offer Launch Packages of different levels to help you get your intranet up and running. We’ll work with you and your team to develop an implementation strategy and get your project off the ground. We’ll walk you through the platform, provide technical guidance, help you think strategically about the challenges you need to solve, and show you how to use Axero’s features to accomplish your goals.

We’ll take care of everything—we’ll host and run your intranet portal on our servers for you, so you don’t have to deal with the hassle of managing hardware, software updates, or security. As an Axero customer, you get your own secure, single-tenant installation of our software and database in our cloud.If you want more control over your intranet platform, you can deploy Axero on your own server infrastructure. On-premise installation gives you the ultimate flexibility in feature options and allows for deeper customization and more robust security.

Yes. Axero is designed to make it easy for individual departments, administrative units, or clinics to manage their own content. Set up a Space for each department where members can collaborate, share information, and schedule work and activities efficiently. The interface and features are so intuitive—there’s virtually no learning curve. Your staff and team members can step right in without missing a beat.

Absolutely! Axero apps are designed for native integration with the Android and iOS operating systems. It provides smartphone and tablet users with a streamlined interface for accessing your company’s intranet. If you have an active license, you can download the Axero apps free of charge from the iTunes App Store or Google Play.

Your security is our priority. We understand that security is an extremely important aspect of your business. It’s very important to ours, too. As an Axero customer, you get your own independent database and instance of the Axero software—and your data is kept completely separate from every other customer’s.We use state of the art application security, SSL/TLS, encryption, daily and incremental backups, and hardened operating systems.
  • SSAE 16 (SOC 1, SOC Type II) compliant facilities
  • ISO 27001 compliant
  • AES-256 and AES-256 FIPS 140-2 Level 3 encryption
  • SSL/TLS secure connections
  • Vulnerability scans
  • Intrusion detection monitoring
  • Penetration tests
  • Disaster recovery plans
  • Incremental and full data backups

Yes. Integrate your own single sign on across your business applications to make life easier for your employees. About 85% of our customers do it. And you can too.
  • Active Directory, ADFS, Azure
  • SAML
  • 3rd parties: Onelogin, Okta, Etc.
  • Social logins: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, X.

Yes. Enable two-factor authentication on your account to add an extra layer of security. With two-factor authorization, intranet admins can rest assured that only your people can access your intranet.
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • Google Authenticator
  • Duo Mobile