Why You Should Care About Your Worst Employees

Axero President and Co-founder, Tim Eisenhauer, shares 15 fundamental problems linked to employee disengagement in CMSWire’s article – Why You Should Care About Your Worst Employees.

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Why You Should Care About Your Worst Employees

Tim Eisenhauer, President of San Diego-based Axero Solutions, said there is a major difference between engaged employees and those simply going through the motions. It all comes down to the relationship and communication between managers and their employees.

His point: If there’s a lack of communication and motivation, engagement levels suffer. If engagement levels suffer, so will your business.

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Increase workplace happiness, boost employee engagement.

Why bother? Ah, because a lot of unfortunate things will happen if you don’t. According to Eisenhauer, there are at least 15 fundamental problems linked to employee disengagement.

Read the rest of the article here


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