How to Make More Friends with Your Coworkers

Axero President and Co-founder, Tim Eisenhauer, featured in Fortune magazine – Here’s How You Can Make More Friends at Work.

fortune magazine

Here’s How You Can Make More Friends at Work

Friendships have been proven to increase employee productivity.

The Leadership Insider network is an online community where the most thoughtful and influential people in business contribute answers to timely questions about careers and leadership. Today’s answer to the question: How do you build authentic relationships at work? is by Tim Eisenhauer, president of Axero Solutions.

Authenticity has become a buzzword for everything from advertising to personal style to politics. In today’s world, where so much is mediated and polished by technology, the widespread desire for authenticity is really a bid to get back to the ‘human’ side of things and away from filters. And the desire for authenticity is just as strong in the workplace. Building authentic relationships at work is a key aspect of ensuring that employees are satisfied, engagedand productive. The challenge is that authenticity, by definition, can’t be manufactured. But there are still things employers,and employees, can do to build meaningful workplace relationships.

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