Administrators gain even more control in new version of Communifire

Axero Solutions adds a host of new administrative features to its popular Communifire social networking and collaboration platform. The features include finer control over permissions, an option to auto-approve new members, profanity controls, and a CAPTCHA option.

(San Diego, CA, USA) – January 20, 2011 – Axero Solutions, an established technology leader in the enterprise social collaboration and networking marketplace, has just added new administrative features to its signature social collaboration platform, Communifire. The menu of enhancements will further expand the ability of Communifire customers to tailor their sites to suit their own unique and specific needs.  

“Flexibility and customization are features that we and our Communifire customers really value,” explains Vivek Thakur, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Axero Solutions. “So we are excited to announce these new administrative features. They will give our customers even more adept control over their sites – with greater options and improved flexibility.”

New permissions have been added, for instance, to allow the administrative functions to be metered out more granularly. Administrators will be able to moderate certain types of Communifire content, for example, without having full access to manage sensitive user accounts. To potentially reduce the workload on administrators they also now have an auto-approve option, so that in cases where no moderation is required new members do not have to be approved manually.

Other new features help to eliminate unwanted content. There is a profanity control, for example, that administrators can use to designate certain terms and automatically replace them with “sanitized” versions. Administrators can also turn on a CAPTCHA tool for new members as well as for visitors to the site who wish to post comments. Another new tool helps to regulate the flow of email notifications coming from the system in order to better distribute the email system load. That tool can control both the interval at which the queue is processed as well as the volume of emails that are sent at one time.  

About Axero Solutions

Axero Solutions was founded in 2007 with a firm belief that the ways that people work together can be significantly improved through the power of social media. The company is led by a senior management team of proven innovators in the areas of technology, social collaboration, and customer service. Combining their industry expertise, thought leadership, and customer-centric focus they developed the company’s signature product, Communifire, an extremely agile and flexible social collaboration platform. Communifire expands creative collaboration, boosts employee engagement and satisfaction, and improves communication to enhance performance, productivity, and profitability.



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