Intranet Buyer’s Guide 10 Steps to Evaluating Intranet Software

We’ll walk you through the entire intranet process so you land on the right platform with ease, confidence, and success!

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What will you learn, specifically?

  • How to determine what kind of intranet you need and best practices for organizing your internal project team
  • Industry trusted resources for researching and discovering intranet software
  • An understanding of how the evaluation process works and essential questions to ask vendors
  • Proven strategies to get executive buy-in and tips to pitch to leadership
  • What to expect during proposals and procurements and how to stay on track with your timeline

More resources to help with your intranet journey

8 Issues a Modern Intranet Solves

What do thriving, happy, and productive workplaces have in common? The majority put their people first! In the modern world, technology can be a game changer. Here’s how.

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How to Launch Your Intranet

The most effective way to launch a new intranet is to be prepared and proactive. With this free guide, map out everything you need to launch your intranet with high adoption rates.

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10 Tips to Measure Intranet ROI

When you invest in a tool you need to know the budget, time, resources, and trust that you allocated is delivering. Here’s how to hold your investment accountable.

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A modern intranet designed for the many modern workplaces.

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